Utilizing Technology to Stay in Touch

Whether due to distance or a global pandemic, it can be difficult to stay in touch with our loved ones. Now more than ever, it is crucial to connect to our friends and family who may be feeling isolated, or those we cannot visit due to health concerns. Although it can be hard to connect in person, there are many ways to help foster and maintain relationships while apart. With the holidays quickly approaching, we wanted to provide a few helpful tips to stay in touch with loved ones.

Create a Routine

Have a set time to call or connect each week. A daily check-in phone call, a video call, or zoom every Sunday at the same time or even a weekly “virtual family dinner” can be great ways for families and friends to stay connected and be able to catch up with each other. Making it part of the weekly rhythm gives everyone something to look forward to.

Technology Options

We are so fortunate to have the technology to help us virtually connect with family and friends when seeing each other in person can be difficult. Most smartphones now come with the capability to video chat, whether it’s via FaceTime (Apple), Skype, Zoom or even utilizing social media platforms and Facebook’s latest Rooms feature, it’s now easier than ever to reach out. The Facebook Portal or Echo Show also allows you to make video calls where you can see the entire room your loved one is in.

Helping Seniors Connect

While it may feel intimidating for some seniors to try and figure out new ways to connect with family and friends, technology can be a useful tool to help keep them in touch with loved ones. If you’re able to help them set up and walk them through how to utilize these tools, it can be extremely beneficial to them staying connected. Another option is to utilize a caregiver to help set up or schedule these virtual interactions. Caregivers can help with getting technology set up for use or can even help remind seniors about scheduled video calls.

At Marin Home Care, it’s our mission to help seniors feel comfortable and connected in their own homes. If you or someone you know is looking for help staying connected while also staying safe at home, please give us a call at (415) 712-1917 to discuss your options and how Marin Home Care can help!

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