Emergency Preparedness Plan

Tips on Being Prepared for Emergencies: Keeping yourself and your family safe

Emergencies typically occur when we least expect it. When time is limited and action is needed swiftly, it is crucial you have a plan in place to quickly protect yourself and your loved ones. Having an emergency action plan in place can be even more beneficial for seniors, especially those who live on their own or away from family members who can support them. Marin Home Care knows thinking about these situations can be overwhelming, and we would like to provide information on how to ensure you are prepared for any situation that occurs.

Have an Emergency Kit

When it comes to preparing for emergencies, seniors may require more essential items than others. Having these necessary items all in one ready-to-go emergency kit can save precious time during an emergency situation. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides a helpful resource that gives seniors a checklist of items that should be included in their kit. Some of these items include:

  • Ample food and water for all members of your family
  • Prescription AND non-prescription medications ( including glasses)
  • Battery or crank powered NOAA radio
  • First Aid Kit
  • Supplies for Pets

You can access the full list of what needs to be included in your emergency kit at https://www.ready.gov/kit .

Have an Emergency Preparedness Plan

When thinking about their disaster planning, it is also crucial seniors are able to identify connections they have locally to support them during a crisis. Having neighbors, friends or nearby family to turn to during emergencies or natural disasters can truly be a matter of life or death for seniors. If lines of communication are unusable, it is important to have someone nearby who can check in on you to ensure you are safe and have a means to evacuate as needed. Many local churches and organizations provide services such as these as well.

If you are feeling as though you may need someone to turn to, or a bit of extra support, Marin Home Care can help. Our services are available no matter what the situation, and our skilled caregivers are ready to support you at all times.

Keep Yourself Informed

Staying informed is another important aspect of being prepared for an emergency. If you live in an area where natural disasters can occur during specific times of year, it’s especially important to monitor weather and news to stay informed of potential emergency events or evacuations. If you’re new to an area where natural disasters are more common, it is vital to have a plan of action set and familiarize yourself with where you would go if evacuated, what highways or roads you might take to get away from the emergency and what to do if asked to shelter in place.

Feeling unsure about navigating something like this on your own? Marin Home Care’s team of trained, professional caregivers can assist you with everything from daily tasks to how to manage an emergency should it ever occur. Additionally, our free downloadable Emergency Preparedness Document can help you start your plan. To learn more about how you or your loved ones could benefit from Marin Home Care’s services, please call us at (415) 712-1917 or visit www.marinhomecare.com.

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